
Showing posts from May, 2018


Somewhere between the fights for our dreams to be the reality, we are letting other people take over it. Aren’t we all waiting for that “In the end, it all worked out” moment?? You and I, we all have certain things that we want from our lives, or maybe need for which we have given all our time, our thoughts, but how hard are we holding on to it is the question? Maybe unless we have failed once or twice? The number of “NO” from others? Lack of support? What is it actually? We need to understand one thing, nothing worth having comes easy. If it would be that easy, wouldn’t it come to us with just a try or two? But you see, wanting something different from others, wanting something that is right for you and fighting for it adds on to the spice of life. Isn’t it? You might have fallen a several times, maybe hurt yourself in the process.  Wouldn’t it be easier if we knew, each time that we fell, it only got us stronger? Every small step that you had taken hav...